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Deploy a Site with Docker

There are two methods, both based on Chef Habitat plans for deploying an emergence site with Docker:

  • Build Habitat packages for the app and composite and then have Habitat export a Docker container from the composite package
  • Write a Dockerfile that handles building both Habitat packages internally and make deliberate use of Docker layers

The former lets you stay out of the weeds of Docker container builds and provides versatile Habitat packages you can deploy in a variety of ways. The later lets you stay out of the weeds of Habitat and provides a hyper-optimized set of container image layers.

Building from Habitat plans

export HAB_ORIGIN="myorigin"

hab pkg build .
hab pkg build --reuse habitat/composite
env $(cat results/last_build.env | xargs) bash -c 'hab pkg export docker results/$pkg_artifact'

Building from a Dockerfile

This Dockerfile can be used as-is for any emergence project repository with habitat/ and habitat/composite/ in place per the Deploy a Site with Chef Habitat guide. Replace every occurance of the placeholder myorigin with any origin name you’d like to prefix your built packages with. In this scenario it need not be externally registered with any bldr server. There are also several occurances of the placeholder myapp that you should replace as well.

# This Dockerfile is hyper-optimized to minimize layer changes

FROM jarvus/habitat-compose:latest as habitat
RUN hab origin key generate
# pre-layer all external runtime plan deps
COPY habitat/ /habitat/
RUN hab pkg install \
    core/bash \
    emergence/php-runtime \
    $({ cat '/habitat/' && echo && echo 'echo "${pkg_deps[@]/$pkg_origin\/*/}"'; } | hab pkg exec core/bash bash) \
    && hab pkg exec core/coreutils rm -rf /hab/{artifacts,src}/
# pre-layer all external runtime composite deps
COPY habitat/composite/ /habitat/composite/
RUN hab pkg install \
    emergence/nginx \
    jarvus/habitat-compose \
    $({ cat '/habitat/composite/' && echo && echo 'echo "${pkg_deps[@]/$pkg_origin\/*/} ${composite_mysql_pkg:-core/mysql}"'; } | hab pkg exec core/bash bash) \
    && hab pkg exec core/coreutils rm -rf /hab/{artifacts,src}/

FROM habitat as projector
# pre-layer all build-time plan deps
RUN hab pkg install \
    core/hab-plan-build \
    jarvus/hologit \
    jarvus/toml-merge \
    $({ cat '/habitat/' && echo && echo 'echo "${pkg_build_deps[@]/$pkg_origin\/*/}"'; } | hab pkg exec core/bash bash) \
    && hab pkg exec core/coreutils rm -rf /hab/{artifacts,src}/
# pre-layer all build-time composite deps
RUN hab pkg install \
    jarvus/toml-merge \
    $({ cat '/habitat/composite/' && echo && echo 'echo "${pkg_build_deps[@]/$pkg_origin\/*/}"'; } | hab pkg exec core/bash bash) \
    && hab pkg exec core/coreutils rm -rf /hab/{artifacts,src}/
# build application
COPY . /src
RUN hab pkg exec core/hab-plan-build hab-plan-build /src
RUN hab pkg exec core/hab-plan-build hab-plan-build /src/habitat/composite

FROM habitat as runtime
# install .hart artifact from builder stage
COPY --from=projector /hab/cache/artifacts/$HAB_ORIGIN-* /hab/cache/artifacts/
RUN hab pkg install /hab/cache/artifacts/$HAB_ORIGIN-* \
    && hab pkg exec core/coreutils rm -rf /hab/{artifacts,src}/

# configure persistent volumes
RUN hab pkg exec core/coreutils mkdir -p '/hab/svc/mysql/data' '/hab/svc/myapp/data' \
    && hab pkg exec core/coreutils chown hab:hab -R '/hab/svc/mysql/data' '/hab/svc/myapp/data'

VOLUME ["/hab/svc/mysql/data", "/hab/svc/myapp/data"]

# configure entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["hab", "sup", "run"]
CMD ["myorigin/myapp-composite"]

With this file in place, you can run the following command to build a container without Habitat installed:

docker build . \
    --build-arg HAB_LICENSE=accept-no-persist \
    -t myorigin/myapp

The container could then be run like this:

docker run \
    --name myapp \
    -d \
    -p 80:80 \
    -e HAB_LICENSE=accept \

Verify service status:

docker exec myapp hab svc status